Hippy Days

back in the day, you know, those days we could afford our avatar's clothing, before inflationary impulses edged fashion farther and farther from consumers ability to pay; designers crafted some extraordinarily adorable products. case in point, flexi hair.

in an all too brief moment between the platform's revolutionary advancements flexi hair was all the rage. it would move in the wind, flowing behind you, floating about with a magical movement seemingly with a life of its very own. 

watch Mirja Mills' hair in motion.

now, it seems our hair designers are coming up with more clever ways to separate the poor consumers from their Lindens, if not their senses.

and, with Hair Fair coming in June, the inevitable edging up of the basic hair price, without subsequent innovation or development, will further separate the haves from the have nots.

fashion's a business. i get that. i'm their biggest fan. but, from what i've been observing in my shopping forays, the general trend is to price a single item of an outfit at the price of the whole outfit just a short while ago. if the impetus for ever increasing heights of monetary gain isn't quelled soon i'm afraid our ability to retain any new members might serve to chase them away.

i do understand the best of us (funnily enough the one's who've been here the longest) continue to produce phenomenal adornments. seeking a premium above the common bar is fully commensurate to their exceptional value. however, entry level designers charging the same price makes for a sad shopping experience. think about it, why would you charge 300L$ for a static hair just because the best of the best has that price. where's the range of prices? it seems that everyone starts marketing their wares at top dollar. what ever happened to the concept of affordability?

oh well. i'm resigned to the world taking steps towards a future i have no ability to manuevre. it is what it is and will inevitably lead to destruction.


*BEHOLD* Designs: Huge Hoop Earrings
MUKA Ari Belly Chain
EMO-tions TRUTH necklace
EarthStones Callie Bangles
Meva Beads Necklace femme Black
Vibing -- Ciara Rings -- Onyx

Seniha Eliandra Skirt
Tres Blah - Maddie's Cardigan
