What I Know


as you seasoned viewers will realize, i am set upon the adventure into ensuring that all aspects of our Outfits (spanning our history of beautification) will appear on our view screens as we crafted them should we wish to revisit them at any time.

as it is now, a number of key elements of our designs don't translate through time. if you choose any Outfit you worked so hard to perfect you'll be surprised to see just how many of these expressive choices to your look are missing. things like, face skin, body skin, makeups, alpha layers, applier layers, nails, skin gloss, & hover height are lost along the trail of unexpected consequences.

of course we have workarounds. you could copy all your applier HUDs, as well as your body HUD, and your head HUD for every outfit you save into a separate folder. with the hundreds, if not thousands, of Outfits we have i'm not sure we're moving along the right path.

becoming aware of this problem recently when i wanted to see what my older outfits looked like  has revealed just how broken the Outfits are. my preliminary decisions are to go over each and every Outfit i have so as to get a good idea as to just what is necessary to recapture the looks.

when i got my first mesh head (the static heads that didn't allow for slider transformations) my old shapes had to be done away with. shaping my avatar to simulate a semblance of my old system body required some finesse, and with that being said, none of my old shapes worked. wearing any other heads available through time required a similar amount of editing. is it time to have a separate head shape that only applies to our heads instead of head and body combined? what ARE the Lindens working on?

nonetheless, back to the system problem we as users have to handle. waiting for the Lab, prompting them to act will probably get you banned. so it's up to all of us to combine our knowledge to revolutionize our little world. again...

as far as i've come, and i've only revisited a few old Outfits, i'm becoming more and more frustrated with what's necessary to look the way i thought i'd saved my outfit. in hindsight i should have been paying more attention to the deficiencies. i wonder how many other residents have the same problem arising. is the solution to bloat out our inventories?
